Apple Butter Frosting Scentsy Brick and Happy Holiday Nightlight Warmer to be removed from ordering at noon on Nov. 30

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To ensure there is no disruption in end-of-month orders containing these products, we will be turning off the Apple Butter Frosting Scentsy Brick and the Happy Holiday Nightlight Warmer tomorrow, Nov. 30, at 12 p.m. (PT). Please submit any open orders containing these products prior to noon tomorrow.

The remaining five Limited-Edition Scentsy Bricks will be available to purchase until 11:59 p.m. (PT) tomorrow night, Nov. 30. Many of our 2015 Holiday Collection products will continue to be available while supplies last.

Thanks for loving these new products as much as we do, and be sure to share the rest of our amazing Holiday Collection with your customers. Happy holidays!

Categories: Scentsy News