Carrot Cake Scentsy Bar


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This Carrot Cake Bar has a wonderful infusing power that is all its own. It knows how to bring a truly awesome scent to any environment via the cube being added to the Scentsy warmer which does start off the delicious carrot cake effect that permeates the interior of your abode.

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Visitors that come to your home will actually think you are baking a cake, when they behold this scent, which is truly something heaven sent.Carrot Cake Scentsy Bar is something that titillates the senses. This is because it is a very fine combination of wax that is mixed with finely crafted fragrances that do deliver on wonderful smell in a major way. This carrot cake wonder is completely carrot cake in delivery. Not only is the scent of it irresistibly sweet, it is also, every inch warm, nutty, and spicy just like the aroma of a real carrot cake. It is also like having a natural drop of sunshine, and then some,radiating the interior of your home in the best way possible.