French Lavender Washer Whiff


Fill your wardrobe with the essence of effortless grace by using our French Lavender Washer Whiffs whenever you do laundry.

SKU: LAY-WW-FRECategory:


Your clothes will be scented with the long-lasting, herbaceous aroma of refreshing purple lavender blooms taken straight from the French countryside. Bring the tranquility of a day at the spay into what was once a tedious chore by using our French Lavender Washer Whiff when you do laundry. We’ve specially designed this formula to accompany your washing detergent and infuse your clothes with the refreshing, long lasting fragrance of the French countryside.

You’ll enjoy a clean breeze of herbaceous yet relaxing purple lavender blooms while attending to the laundry and when you get dressed. Its strong fragrance will cling to your clothes, giving you effortless grace through the power of elegant aroma. Imagine pulling your laundry out of the dryer, warm and scented with Scentsy! Simply add a Scentsy Dryer Disk to your dryer and infuse your clothes with scent for up to 15 loads.

Scentsy Laundry Products