Gilly the Scentsy Buddy


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Imagine the far away planet that is home to Gilly the Scentsy Buddy, breathing in the celestial fragrance of a cosmic Scentsy Pak when this adorable alien gets a little squeeze from your wana-be astronaut.

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Gilly the Scentsy Buddy

Fun textures and details like a removable hood make this limited edition buddy a wish upon a star come true. Gilly the Scentsy Buddy is an intergalactic pal every little guy or gal is gonna love when this ot-of-this-world friend begins circling within your family’s fun and fantasy orbit. Neon green and bright turquoise create a cozy cape for this happy alien, a cheery grin on the face balanced by googly eyes and fur lined ears that set off the starlight white of Gilly’s face. Flip up the hood and snuggle Gilly’s hands in cuddly pockets while stargazing together.