Monarch Scentsy Warmer Frame – Brown


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Give your Gallery Warmer the beauty of your favorite springtime friends by pairing it with our Dark Brown Monarch Frame.

SKU: FRAM-MDBNCategory: Tag:


Once attached to the magnetic panel, it will light up the elegant shape of a regal Monarch butterfly. As the iciness of winter begins to thaw away, you feel yourself more eager than ever for all of the delights of spring. Carefree strolls through the garden, enjoying the fresh fragrance of young flower buds reaching through the soil, and best of all, the sight of your favorite springtime friends, the Monarch butterflies. Their wings gleam with flecks of orange, bringing the first bursts of brightness to the season. Now you can enjoy their beauty any time of year, even while indoors, by using our Monarch Frame with your Gallery Warmer. Just place it on the Warmer’s magnetic panel, and the room will light aglow with the shape of an elegant Monarch butterfly. It’s available in silver or dark brown, so you can easily match the rest of your decor.