Scentsy Autumn Blaze Maple Scent Pak


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Maple syrup drizzled pumpkin challenges apple cinnamon for the crown of favorite scent of the season. Both win and celebrate with a oakwood bonfire, the perfect way to welcome fall. Tuck in drawers and hang in the front hall to welcome seasonal visitors and their treats and tricks and holiday treats. Just in time for fall our Scentsy Autumn Blaze Maple Scent Pak has arrived for fun and festivities. Fill your favorite Scentsy Buddy with the fragrance of a fall bonfire burning well seasoned oak as you toast the season with a mug of cinnamon sprinkled apple cider and a maple syrup sweetened pumpkin muffin. Delicious and earthy scents are ready to perfume your drawers, hang in a closet or win the odor battle in a previously stinky gym bag.