Scentsy Scout the Dragon Buddy Clip


Scout the Dragon is now available as a Buddy Clip, the perfect accessory for a knight in shining armour or queen of the realm.

SKU: 32986Category:


Snap onto a binder, a zipper or a sport bag for a friend who will stick with you no matter what, with a sweet smile and a hug. Send a salute to Scentsy Scout the Dragon Buddy Clip and then revel in his Wild What-A-Melon scent as you spend the day hanging out together. A portable friend that can attach anywhere with a plastic clip, this mini Buddy will be a playmate, a cuddler and a fire breathing guard if anyone messes with your backpack or duffle bag. Green apple, watermelon and pineapple scented beads keep Scout fresh and fruity whether spiffing up your locker or snuggling in at bedtime.

Scentsy Buddy Clip