Twinkle Twinkle 100% Essential Oil


Sweet sleep is so beneficial for little ones — and their parents — making Twinkle Twinkle 100% Essential Oil a must have for the diffuser in the kids’ rooms.

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Twinkle Twinkle 100% Essential Oil

Sleepy time guys and gals from the younger set will move from cranky and irritated to calmed and relaxed when the soothing essence of Twinkle Twinkle 100% Essential Oil blankets the bed or playroom. Lavender and chamomile are well known for their restful, sleep inducing powers, sending nodding boys and girls off to dreamland. The addition of eucalyptus clears and freshens the air, encouraging a positive mood perfect for those sweet dreams just over the horizon. Shop our entire line of Scentsy Essential Oils here. 

A balance of clarifying eucalyptus, calming chamomile and relaxing lavender is exactly the potion needed to fall to sleep without counting sheep.