Scentsy Consultant! How to Start your New Business

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Hey, Scentsy Consultant! How to Start your New Business?
You’re now part of something BIG — a global movement to beautify the world through fragrance (with healthy doses of friendship, generosity and so much fun). You’re probably pretty excited (you should be!), and you might also be wondering what to do first. We’ve got you covered.

During your first 70 days, we’ll send you emails filled with training and encouragement, and provide you with a checklist of simple things to do to get your Scentsy business up and running.

Your first steps?

  1. Announce your new business to the world. Shout it from the rooftops (and Facebook)!

2. Hold a launch event and work toward earning new-Consultant awards: Shooting Star and Scentsational Start . They’ll get your business really moving, plus you get SWEET perks for achieving them. Win-win!

3.Work with your Sponsor to get your launch event scheduled and your guests invited right away.

4. Tell everyone why you joined Scentsy. When you share your passion, it will spread.

5. Always carry catalogs, samples and business cards. When you hand something out, be sure to get contact info so you can follow up.

“Here’s a catalog and my business card with a free sample. Can I get your contact info so I can answer your questions about Scentsy products after you check them out?”

6. Share your favorite products with friends and coworkers. Label EVERYTHING — products, catalogs, brochures — with your contact info.

7. Home party – Your Host picks a date and invites friends and family. You’ll set up a simple product display, give a quick demo and encourage guests to sample the fragrances.

Visit the Marketing tab and select “Invitations and Gift Tags” from the drop-down menu for party theme ideas and assets!
Want to make your party a hit? Remember 10-7-2-1:
At least 10 guests attend.
At least 7 guests place orders.
At least 2 guests book parties.
At least 1 guest — maybe your Host! — is interested
in joining your team.

Don’t worry about hitting your numbers at every party. If you trust the system and let go of your expectations, you’ll find 10-7-2-1 just happens!

8. Fairs & shows – Scan your community calendars for local fairs and trade shows. It’s a great way to meet new people (and find new party Hosts)! You don’t need to spend a lot to rent booth space at really large events.
Sometimes the smaller events — like church or block parties — can provide a big return on your investment!

9. One-on-One – Sometimes your customers just want to shop! Sure, you could send them to your PWS, but meeting them in person — at their home, the coffee shop, the office — helps build those connections so
important to your business.

10. Basket party – Have a busy Host? No biggie. Just fill a basket with Fragrance Testers, catalogs, order forms and business cards. Your Host can take the basket to work, school, the gym, church, sporting events
— wherever — to share Scentsy fragrances, collect orders and get closer to maxing out their Host Rewards! Give a basket party to all your home party Hosts so they can share Scentsy fragrances and collect orders anytime! Check out the Scentsy Show ’n’ Go Tester Tote — it has space for everything you need for a successful on-the-go party.

11. Fundraisers – When you host a Scentsy fundraiser, you agree to donate a portion of your commission to a charitable cause or organization. You’ll get new contacts, customers and potential Hosts (don’t forget to label

12. ONLINE – Share Scentsy with friends near and far when you host an online party! Facebook is a great channel, but you can also run your entire online shindig from the Party Page on your PWS (FREE for 3 Months!)

No matter what, don’t forget that we’re here for you. Welcome to Scentsy! 

To bring value to the world by providing an industry-leading, family-friendly business opportunity selling creative, artistic, high-quality products that Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses and Inspire the Soul.

Simplicity: We avoid the unnecessary and do the right things, the right way, through teamwork

Authenticity: We stay true to who we are, creating trust by being open, honest and respectful.

Generosity: We love to give of our time, talent and resources.

Categories: Scentsy News