Deep in the heart of a hidden garden, offerings of freesia bouquets, ripe honeydew slices and the rare blossom of the water lotus combine into a fragrance experience that will uplift and inspire. Shop here and get your Zen Garden Scents direct shipped to your home or office.

Zen Garden Scentsy Bar
Zen Garden Scentsy Bar
Deep in the heart of a hidden garden, offerings of freesia bouquets, ripe honeydew slices and the rare blossom of the water lotus combine into a fragrance experience that will uplift and inspire. Shop here and get direct shipping to your home or office.
$6.00 Shop Now
Zen Garden Scentsy Dryer Disk
Zen Garden Scentsy Dryer Disk
Rather than a chore laundry will become an anticipated time to find your center and chill out when you use the Zen Garden Dryer Disk from Scentsy.
$7.00 Shop Now
Zen Garden Scentsy Laundry Liquid
Zen Garden Scentsy Laundry Liquid
Wash your laundry in Zen Garden Laundry Liquid and find peace and tranquility.
$16.00 Buy Online