White Tea Cactus Scentsy Bar


We recommend using this Scentsy Bar whenever you want to harness the soothing powers of aromatherapy. A pack of 8 cubes for only $6

SKU: SB-WTCCategory: Tag:


Make it a part of your daily meditation ritual, or use it at work to keep your mind clear and at ease. When you feel as though you’re drowning in worry and stress, there’s no need to fret. Scentsy has created an invigorating aroma perfectly formulated to restore a sense of calm and peace in your soul. When you activate our White Tea Cactus Scentsy Bar in your favorite Warmer, you’ll notice the air becoming imbued with a sense of pure serenity.

The tranquil tonic brewed from delicate tea blossoms and leaves provides a light, floral base for this refreshing aroma. A burst of green cactus juice brings body to the fragrance, strengthening it with a subtly fruity note that is equally herbaceous.