Whiteout Scentsy Bar


The pristine green aroma of Christmas pine keeps the aroma festive and endlessly uplifting.

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Activate this Whiteout Scentsy Bar whenever you want to bring the freshness of winter indoors. What’s the best part of winter? There may be many different answers, but for you, it doesn’t take a moment of thought. It’s the snow, of course! There’s nothing more enchanting than a wonderland of white that greets you as soon as you step out your door. As the flurries surround you with glistening flakes from the north, you feel more refreshed than ever. Keep that feeling flourishing through the entire season by using our Whiteout Scentsy Bar fragrances. You’ll have a blizzard of invigorating aroma rush through your home, redolent with notes of cool peppermint candy that frosts over a crisp element of golden apple.