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Emotional Whirlwind Scentsy Wax Collection


Get all the feels with five Scentsy Bars inspired by the emotions of Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out.



Emotional Whirlwind – Scentsy Wax Collection

Introducing the Emotional Whirlwind – Scentsy Wax Collection, inspired by the beloved characters and their vibrant emotions from Disney and Pixar’s “Inside Out.” This collection is a delightful blend of scents, each capturing the essence of the different emotions that make up our daily experiences. Perfect for fans of the movie and fragrance enthusiasts alike, this collection is sure to take you on an aromatic journey through the spectrum of emotions.

1. Joy

Fragrance Notes: Sunshine and citrus burst through with a touch of pineapple and white wood. Description: Just like the character Joy, this scent is bright and uplifting, filling your space with a sense of happiness and positivity. It’s the perfect pick-me-up fragrance for any time of day.

2. Sadness

Fragrance Notes: A calming blend of water lilies and soothing musk. Description: This scent captures the quiet and reflective nature of Sadness. It’s a soothing fragrance, ideal for moments when you need to relax and unwind.

3. Fear

Fragrance Notes: Spicy clove, cool mint, and a touch of lavender. Description: Fear’s fragrance is a bit more complex, with a mix of spice and cool notes that create an intriguing and slightly mysterious aroma. Perfect for adding a touch of drama to your home.

4. Anger

Fragrance Notes: Fiery cinnamon, red hot pepper, and a dash of patchouli. Description: Anger’s scent is bold and intense, just like the character. This fragrance is perfect for those who love strong, spicy scents that make a statement.

5. Disgust

Fragrance Notes: Crisp apple, juicy pear, and a hint of fresh cut grass. Description: Disgust’s fragrance is fresh and sharp, with clean, fruity notes that bring a sense of clarity and rejuvenation to any space.

Collection Features

  1. High-Quality Wax:
    • Each bar is made from Scentsy’s high-quality wax, ensuring a long-lasting and consistent fragrance experience.
  2. Vibrant Packaging:
    • Each wax bar is colorfully packaged to represent the emotion it embodies, making it a visually appealing collection to display in your home.
  3. Perfect for Gifting:
    • The Emotional Whirlwind Collection comes in a beautifully designed box, making it an excellent gift for fans of “Inside Out” or anyone who appreciates a thoughtfully curated fragrance collection.

How to Use:

  1. Break Off a Cube:
    • Each Scentsy Bar is divided into eight break-apart cubes. Start by breaking off one or two cubes from your chosen bar.
  2. Place in Warmer:
    • Place the cubes in the dish of your Scentsy Warmer. Turn on the warmer and let the wax melt, releasing its fragrance into the air.
  3. Mix and Match:
    • Feel free to mix and match cubes from different bars to create your own unique fragrance blends, capturing the complex nature of human emotions.


The Emotional Whirlwind – Scentsy Wax Collection is more than just a set of fragrances; it’s an emotional journey through scent. Each bar is thoughtfully crafted to represent a different emotion, bringing the characters from “Inside Out” to life in a new and exciting way. Whether you’re looking to brighten your day, find calm, or add a bit of spice to your space, this collection has something for everyone. Dive into the Emotional Whirlwind and experience the power of fragrance to evoke and enhance your emotions.

Emotional Whirlwind Scentsy Wax Collection